Caused by the increase of investments abroad and the reorganization of existing businesses, more and more expatriates are sent to Hungary. At the event of the Deutsch-Ungarische Industrie- und Handelskammer the experts of WTS Hungary would like to give you an overview of the most important labor-law and tax regulations that are valuable for your company regarding the secondment of expatriates.
The talks will be held in Hungarian and German and translated simultaneously. The participation of the event costs for members of the DUIHK 3.500 HUF + VAT and for non-members 5.000 HUF + VAT. Please confirm your participation via fax or online until the 06.02.2017 with Marietta Németh (, Tel.: +36 1 345 7626, Fax: +36 1 345 7648), who can also provide answers and information if you have further questions.
You can download the line-up of the event here!